The 100 Word Christmas Challenge! A Seasonal Silly Vlog!

The 100 Word Christmas Challenge from @TheHeadsOffice!  A Seasonal Silly Vlog!

* The challenge this week:

“I want to to choose a favourite carol and re-write it with the theme of a Christmas Dinner. You have to tell your readers which carol it is and they have to be able to sing your version back to themselves. That means the right tempo and beat. You may not need 100 words but I’ll give you that many just in case! Generous aren’t I?!!”

To the Tune of ‘In The Bleak Midwinter!’   I have included the words so you can sing along with me.  I am far from tuneful, so you might want to do that simply to drown me out to be honest.  Scroll to the bottom to see the vlog.  Ear plugs not necessary, but are advised.

In the Bleak Midwinter

The meal went so wrong

The spuds were hard as iron

the gravy it did foam. 

Peas like bullets, no, no, 

No, no-no, no, nooooo!

on that fateful evening. 

The Turkey was also raw. 

13 responses to “The 100 Word Christmas Challenge! A Seasonal Silly Vlog!

  1. Wonderful! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. It is truly wonderful. It does show however that you are bonkers which is why I love you!!

  2. Totally agree with Julia that you are bonkers – but in such a game and unspoiled way that you can get away with it. Great entry to the challenge and I admire your courage for vlogging it.

  3. Fab 😀 now you’ve raised the bar with a video! Reall fun piece. Well done. 😀

  4. A video! Wow! Now that’s a challenge of a whole different colour! Fun indeed!

  5. I love “the meal went so wrong, spuds were hard as iron”. So close to the original.

  6. Well done sport, esp. for singing! I was going to but then opted out! Echo Polly’s comment.

  7. I just put two and two together – how did I forget who you are on Twitter? Oh dear I need the Christmas holiday already lol.

    Love your version of In the BleakMidWinter

  8. HonieMummy (honieBuk)

    I have to say that I would be too chicken to sing mine – I’ll leave you all to your own vocal talents on that one.

    Another great post!

  9. lol! Fabulous job – I love the raw turkey – so funny

  10. ROFL! Beautiful singing voice there 😉

  11. You’re so brave singing it for us – but well done you!

  12. Good singing! “Peas like bullets…” Classic!

  13. Well done you and a video, you are so much braver than me. x

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